Saturday, April 23, 2011

Allen the Alien

Allen the Alien from the comic Invincible

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Naughty Kitty

This is the Black Cat from Spiderman comics. This sometime friend and foe of Spidey was fun to draw but I only had limited time to work on this so far so I hope it meets with your approval. I will hopefully update the rooftop and background when I have time.
About 4 hours work all up. Hand drawn and digital colors.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Gonna get ya Spidey!!!

So after a lot of doing this picture is finished. The three components of this image (Spiderman, Venom & Background) were created entirely separately and originally for different images but all seemed to work well together so here they are!! There are also a few different versions of this one that has a much wider background and another that has a white 'halo' around the characters to make them stand out more. Moight post those later.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New(ish) sketches

So here is just a few sketches I've done over the last week or so. Mostly just stuff to keep busy or distract me from the fact that I have so much other stuff to do. This first one is the character BOLT. He is one of the characters from my yet to be finished comic.
These ones are pretty obvious except ofr the one on the left. From left to right - Iceman, the Human Torch, Spiderman and the Hulk.
This one I drew today while sitting in a seminar for work. Wasn't feeling very well and it seems to have come out in my drawing.