Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Gotta start somewhere

Had to happen eventually I guess. I've never been one to 'blog'. Never really had that many thoughts I'd want to share before. I'm gonna try and be a bit productive with this blog and use it mostly as a running record of my sketches and scribblings that I do. I mostly stick to comic type pictures but occasionally I will post something a bit different.

I am in no way a professional artist but I love to draw so if anyone ever happens to come across this blog let me know what you think. Comments (hopefully positive or at least constructive) are always welcome.

Let us begin........

I did these two pictures a couple of weeks ago for a friend at work who is about to have a baby. The baby's bedroom has an african animal theme so I made some wall hanging to contribute. I did a couple of very loose sketches for these 2 images - just basic shapes, and did the rest in photoshop. I have since done 2 more images for this set which I will post in the next few days and may do some more if the urge comes upon me.

If I knew how to use Illustrator better, it might have been a better option to do these as vector images but I'm too busy to learn another program at the moment.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your first blog.
Remember,I'm always your fan. Hope you enjoy your blog and drawing.